Audyssey is an exciting typeface project that displays a quirky but fun looking font to use across various media. Audyssey is a combination of the words "audio," and "odyssey," in order to link the meanings of an audio, visual journey. Audyssey's intentions help aid display audio in a fun and quirky way. The idea first came from hearing the various sounds characters make when playing almost any RPG videogames. When a character creates sounds, a simple dialogue box is not enough to truly display the seriousness of a screech or battle cries. From here, I begin to move my research towards comicbooks and children books observing what type treatments they give onomatopoeias. With this in mind, Audyssey carefully displays onomatopoeia in a fun and meaningful way with a lot of potential in expanding depending on the intensity of a sound.
From my research, I originally wanted to make a typeface that could help spice up the dialogue in a meaningful way but after doing research, I feel that a change in colour, bolding, or italicizing certain words in the dialogue would work better than a full font change. So instead of creating a typeface suited for the dialogue, I wanted to work out ways in which I can reduce the dialogue within a game. After thinking and drafting potential ideas to resolve this issue, I decided that this could be done if the typeface I designed was an interactive one used throughout the game. The typeface could be used to come out of monsters' mouths, rather than use a dialogue box saying “Dodogyuuun!” and to make various onomatopoeias such as: chop, click, munch, nibble, etc. I then realized that the challenge now was how could I make an interactive typeface that represents various sounds within the game, or how can I incorporate my typeface into a game with the option to play with the sound off but still hear the sound through the aesthetic of my typeface, or the possibility of a player being deaf but still satisfying the player by allowing them to visually see the sounds through the use of my interactive typeface within a game.